Cornerstone Inflame Fighter Tumeric

Body & Joint pain:


First what is inflammation?

A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection. inflammation happens in everyone, whether you’re aware of it or not. Your immune system creates inflammation to protect the body from infection, injury, or disease. There are many things you wouldn’t be able to heal from without inflammation.

So many causes of inflammation

Many factors can lead to inflammation, such as:


    • Chronic and acute conditions

    • Certain medications

    • Exposure to irritants or foreign materials your body can’t easily eliminate

    • Certain foods

Recurrent episodes of acute inflammation can also lead to a chronic inflammatory response.

There are also certain types of foods that can cause or worsen inflammation in people with autoimmune disorders.

These foods include:


    • sugar

    • refined carbohydrates

    • alcohol

    • processed meats

    • trans fats

Poor Diet

A Poor diet is the most common cause of chronic inflammation. What constitutes a poor diet? High sugar, high carb, processed foods, alcohol, trans fats, gluten, aspartame, preservatives, food colorings, MSG, and the list goes on. 

Lack of Exercise

A lack of regular movement and exercise causes your lymphatic system (your body’s garbage disposal system) to become stagnant. When this happens, your cells begin to bathe in their own filth, and inflammation becomes rampant. 

Holistic healing of inflammation:


Increase vegetables, add lemons and limes to your diet, detox heavy metals, apple cider vinegar, reduce / eliminate dairy, reduce / eliminate nightshades, such as tomatoes and egg plant, eliminate on process carbs and sugars



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